Wednesday 15 September 2010


Keeping it limber
Did you also wake up on Monday morning feeling like you needed a bottle of Myprodol and a weekend? Christmas. Okay, so maybe it had something to do with the Champion's League 20/20 cricket  on Friday night. Or the virgin excursion to The Sterkfontein Caves at The Cradle of Humankind, or Human-man-kind as The Consultant so eloquently put it, followed by a braai on crack at ours on Saturday. Firstly, I'd like to recommend The Cradle and caves, do yourself a favour. Secondly, let me introduce you to the little game The Doctor whipped out of his bag-o-tricks. The best part? You won't need to, or be able to, exercise for a week thereafter. 

1. Grab an empty cereal box
2. Assemble your crew and explain the rules: feet have to remain firmly on the ground, no leverage, no hands, grab the box with your teeth and then stand up straight again without dropping the box - each person gets 3 attempts per round
3. When the whole team has had a turn, you tear off a 2-3cm strip from the top of the box and start again
4. If a member of the team can't do it after 3 attempts, he/she is out and must drink
5. The game continues until there's a flat piece of card on the ground and the winner is the human pretzel that can pick it up

... it's kinda like the reverse limbo and you'll be amazed at your flexibility and inner-thigh strength. I miraculously bent and balanced myself to the last round but was trumped by The Doctor and The Social Strategist who are both worryingly flexible. 

Sunday was spent drinking frozen margaritas at 44 Stanley's Spring Fair with The Consultant. Enough said. Note to self: must buy frozen margarita machine for summer.

The first half of this week has been a biggie too! The Nolan's Cheddar commercial goes viral (view here), David Thorne does it again (here) Lady Gaga pisses off PETA by wearing meat couture at this year's VMA awards, brandslut readers are now able to comment and The Supermodel and The Investment Banker got engaged in Siena, Italy on Monday. Lots and lots of tears, and feeling a little emotional about the engagement too. 

 Keep it limber, 

 brandslut xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Well done on conquering the comment barrier. Onwards and Upwards my human pretzel MP. SDJ.
